AI Recruiting Assistant: Faster Candidate Screening, Smarter Hiring

Spending hours reviewing applications?’s AI Recruiting Assistant helps you screen candidates in minutes, allowing you to focus on the best talent without the manual workload.
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Save time with AI Recruiting Assistant

What is Smart Assistant?

The Smart Assistant is a bot designed to maintain conversations with applicants, evaluating their communication skills and allowing recruiters to set specific questions related to work experience, technical skills or any other relevant criteria.

This versatility makes the Smart Assistant an effective initial filter, saving time and resources by automating the first stage of the selection process.
Automation in selection processes

Why Use’s AI Recruiting Assistant?

Save Time: Automate initial interviews, significantly reducing hours spent on preliminary evaluations. Reduce screening time by up to 80%
Improve Hiring Accuracy: Let AI match the right candidates to your job openings.
Increase Efficiency: Eliminate repetitive tasks and focus on strategic hiring.
Access to Conversations: Recruiters can review the interactions between the bot and candidates, obtaining valuable information for informed decisions.
Resource Optimization: By delegating initial interviews to the Intelligent Assistant, the human resources team can focus on more advanced stages of the selection process.